Letters on Yoga – III


The double foundation of Yoga

If you keep the wideness and calm as you are keeping it and also the love for the Mother in the heart, then all is safe […]
Sri Aurobindo in his room

Allow the consciousness to develop and widen

Most, even in doing Yoga, live in the mind, vital, physical, lit up occasionally or to some extent by the higher mind and by the illumined mind; but […]

Mastering One’s nature

Detachment is the beginning of mastery, but for complete mastery there should be no reactions at all. When there is something within undisturbed by the reactions […]
Sri Aurobindo in his room

Ascension of the psychic to the central being

Any part of the being can go upward and meet its source there. The central being is always above; the psychic is its counterpart below. If the psychic […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Attaining Siddhi in Yoga

You must gather yourself within more firmly. If you disperse yourself constantly, go out of the inner circle, you will constantly move about in the pettinesses of the […]

Open yourself to The Mother

If you feel the barrier in which you lived broken down and an inner ocean of wideness, then a great thing has happened in you. For it is […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Descent of Silence

What is trying to come down in you is the silence and peace of the Self—when that comes fully, then there is no ego-perception, it is […]

Emptiness – a prerequiste for the entry of the Spiritual

The emptiness and wideness in the brain is a very good sign. It is a condition for the opening horizontally into the cosmic consciousness and upward […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Descent of The Force

The Force comes down as soon as it finds an opening and acts in the Adhara whenever it is ready. What determines the descent cannot always […]