To be one in all ways of thy being with that which is the Highest, this is Yoga.
To be one in all ways of thy being with that which is the All, this is Yoga.
To be one in thy spirit and. with thy understanding and . thy heart and in all thy members with the God in humanity, this is Yoga.
To be one with all Nature and all beings, this is Yoga.
All this is to be one with God in his transcendence and his cosmos and all that he has created in his being. Because from him all is and all is in him and he is all and in all and because he is thy highest Self and thou art one with him in thy spirit and a portion of him in thy soul and at play with him in thy nature, and because this world is a scene in his being in which he is thy secret Master and lover and friend and the lord and sustainer of all thou art, therefore is oneness with him the perfect way of thy being.
Ref: Essays Divine and Human