

A progressive surrender

The surrender must necessarily be progressive. No one can make the complete surrender from the beginning, so it is quite natural that when one looks into […]

Remain enveloped in an atmosphere of surrender

One must have around oneself so intense an atmosphere in a total surrender to the Divine, so intensified around oneself that everything that passes through is automatically filtered. Anyhow, […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Passivity to be thrown aside

Why do you write “If I get” [aspiration]—one can always aspire. It is your mistake to think that everything must come of itself and nothing is […]

The Divine Mother’s grace

Let your sincerity and surrender be genuine and entire. When you give yourself, give completely, without demand, without condition, without reservation so that all in you […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Vital

Yes, that is the nature of the vital. It can make the absolute and enthusiastic surrender as well as cause all the trouble possible. Without the […]
Sri Aurobindo

Thy will be done

Naturally, if one’s surrender is truly sincere and there is this constant attitude in the being, this total self giving to the Divine, “Thy Will be […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Endless Receptivity

The call and the aspiration are only first conditions; there must be along with them and brought by their effective intensity an opening of all the being to […]
Words of The Mother

Radha’s Prayer

RADHA’S PRAYER O Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being and my God, receive my offering. Thine are all my thoughts, […]

Writing to The Mother

When the sadhaks write to the Mother, it is not to get answers from her about the small things of daily life – sometimes they do it when […]