

The way to sleep

For some time I have had trouble sleeping due to inner and outer turmoil. I pray to You to help me. Before trying to sleep, when […]

Going to sleep the correct way

If you relax very gently before going to sleep, you will feel great pleasure in going to sleep. If you manage to relax the nerves, even […]

On sleep

With the growth of the consciousness the need for sleep diminishes because the sleep becomes more quiet and more conscious, more restful and thus the number of hours of […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Weak and Depressed after Sleep

During sleep one often comes in contact with undesirable forces and things, which drain your vital forces so that when you wake up you feel weak […]

Waking up and Going to Sleep the Right Way

When coming out of sleep you must keep quiet for a few moments and consecrate the coming day to the Divine, praying to remember Him always […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


With the growth of the consciousness the need for sleep diminishes because the sleep becomes more quiet and more conscious, more restful and thus the number […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Sweet Mother in your heart

O Sweet, Sweet Mother, Thy Peace is in me, Thy Peace is in me, Thy Peace is in me. Sleep, child, sleep, with sweet Mother in your […]