
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Necessities of a sadhak

The necessities of a sadhak should be as few as possible; for there are only a very few things that are real necessities in life. The […]

The energies that act in the being

It is not possible to give a name to all the energies that act in the being. They are put into several classes. First are the […]

Servitors of the Divine

O Divine Master, grant that today may bring to us a completer consecration to Thy Will, a more integral gift of ourselves to Thy work, a […]

Greed to covet even the Divine

Greed, greed, always greed… is the response of material nature. In whatever way the Divine manifests there, it becomes at once an object of covetousness. A rush […]

Attachment to Food

It is the attachment to food, the greed and eagerness for it, making it an unduly important thing in the life, that is contrary to the […]