There are some very wise recommendations here, for example, not to concern oneself with what others do nor with the mistakes they make, but to attend to one’s own faults and negligences and rectify them. Another wise counsel is never to utter too many eloquent words which are not effectuated in action—speak little, act well. Beautiful words, they say, that are mere words, are like flowers without fragrance.
And finally, lest you get discouraged by your own faults, the Dhammapada gives you this solacing image: the purest lily can spring out of a heap of rubbish by the wayside. That is to say, there is nothing so rotten that it cannot give birth to the purest realisation.
Whatever may be the past, whatever may be the faults committed, whatever the ignorance in which one might have lived, one carries deep within oneself the supreme purity which can translate itself into a wonderful realisation.
The whole point is to think of that, to concentrate on that and not to be concerned with all the difficulties and obstacles and hindrances.
Concentrate exclusively on what you want to be, forget as entirely as possible what you do not want to be.
Ref : Questions and Answers 1929-1931