Questions and Answers 1957-1958

Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Practice what you read

It is a tale of ancient times, of what used to happen before there were printing presses and books, of the days when only the Guru […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Practice what you read

It is a tale of ancient times, of what used to happen before there were printing presses and books, of the days when only the Guru […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Don’t Judge

Unless your vision is constantly the vision of the Divine in all things, you have not only no right but no capacity to judge the state […]

Persistent Efforts

You must know that very persistent efforts, a very steadfast endurance are necessary to master the least weakness, the least pettiness, the least meanness in one’s […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Victory is for the most enduring

There are people who need the support and trust and certitude of others to feel comfortable and to be at ease—they are always unhappy because, of […]

Measure of Progress

You are almost entirely incapable of knowing whether you are making progress or not, for very often what seems to us to be a state of […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

A Decisive Turning Point

At the moment we are at a decisive turning-point in the history of the earth, once again. From every side I am asked, “What is going […]

Origin of Bad thoughts

Bad thoughts?…. There can be several reasons for that. In fact there are several reasons. It may be due to a bad nature—if people have nasty […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Purpose of meditation

…the best use one can make of these meditations—which are gradually becoming more frequent since now we are also going to replace the “distributions” by short meditations—is to go […]