Questions and Answers 1955

Sri Aurobindo

Overcoming cowardice

Q: Mother, if one is cowardly and avoids a difficulty, if next time the difficulty is still greater, then how long does this continue? A: It […]

An absolute unquestioning surrender

“To question, to resist in some part of the being increases trouble and difficulties.” For instance, when the guru tells you to do something, if you […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Isolating oneself

…There is always a way of isolating oneself by an atmosphere of protection, if one knows how to have an extremely quiet vibration, so quiet that it makes […]

Being chosen by God

…it is God who has chosen you, the Divine who has chosen you. And that is why you run after Him! And this is what gives […]

Respect for an object

There is a kind of respect for the object one has, which must make one treat it with much consideration and try to preserve it as […]

Power of Concentration

There is a way of reducing the time necessary for doing things by increasing the concentration considerably. Some people can’t do this for long, it tires […]
Sri Aurobindo

The dry coconut – an image of the being

It is said that when one has realised, one becomes like the dry coconut which moves in the shell, which is free inside, no longer attached […]

Genders – the Divide is the problem

Instead of there being two lines, one masculine and one feminine, there should be one single being, and that’s what I conceive as the solution of […]


Aspiration is like an arrow,… So you aspire, want very earnestly to understand, know, enter into the truth. Yes? And then with that aspiration you do […]