Words of The Mother Vol. I


The unquestionable Divine will

Politics is based on falsehood, we have nothing to do with it. Morality is the shield that men flourish to protect themselves against Truth. It is only […]

Look Upward

I always look upward. Beauty, Peace, Light are there, they are ready to come down. So, always aspire and look up, in order to manifest them upon this […]

Why seek Yoga?

It is not from disgust for life and people that one must come to yoga. It is not to run away from difficulties that one must come here. […]

An Avatar – forerunner of perfect realisation

In the eternity of becoming, each Avatar is only the announcer, the forerunner of a more perfect realisation. And yet men have always the tendency to […]

Reason for Auroville’s existence

Humanity is not the last rung of the terrestrial creation. Evolution continues and man will be surpassed. It is for each individual to know whether he […]

Money is not a possession

The conflict about money is what might be called a “conflict of ownership”, but the truth is that money belongs to no one. This idea of possessing money […]

True Dignity

You should be very polite with those who depend upon you for their living. If you ill-treat them, they feel very much but cannot reply to […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

On Rumours

I have already warned those who go on spreading rumours, more or less false, on what I am believed to have said or not said, that […]

On Rumours

I have already warned those who go on spreading rumours, more or less false, on what I am believed to have said or not said, that […]