Questions and Answers 1956

The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Physical needs of the body

People always have the impression that what they call the needs of the body, what the body demands, is an absolute law; that if it is […]

Give to receive

…the best way of receiving anything whatever is not to pull, but to give. If they want to give themselves to the new life, well, the new life […]

The Divine knows what is truly needed

…you simply have an aspiration within you, an urge, an intense ardent need to find That, which you conceive more or less clearly to be the Truth of […]
Sri Aurobindo

The method to detach

When one wants to detach oneself from something, from a certain movement or activity or state of consciousness, this is the most effective method; one steps […]

Finding the Divine within oneself

Q: How can we find the Divine within ourselves? A: ..First of all, you must begin to seek Him, and then that must be the most […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

What one thinks, one becomes

Sri Aurobindo says that all that one thinks one is, one can, by the very fact of that thinking, become. This knowledge of the fact that […]

A detached delight

…Delight without detachment would be a very dangerous gift which could very easily be perverted. So, to seek Delight before having acquired detachment does not seem […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram in her room


…it is said that the mind can know nothing: it can know nothing because it needs explanations. An explanation is valuable only to the extent it […]

Dynamic meditation

Q: Sweet Mother, what does Sri Aurobindo mean by “a self-dynamising meditation”?  A: It is a meditation that has the power of transforming your being. It […]