Prayers and Meditations

The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Let the Divine Will prevail

O LORD, eternal Teacher, Thou whom we can neither name nor understand, but whom we want to realise more and more at every moment, enlighten our intelligence, illumine our […]

Working without attachment

HAIL to Thee, O Lord, Master of the world. Give us the power to do the work without being attached to it and to develop the capacities of […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Aspiration for Harmony in the country

My pen is mute to chant Thy presence, O Lord; yet art Thou like a king who has taken entire possession of his kingdom. Thou art […]

Make us Thy docile instrument and faithful servitor

Let Thy Light be in me like a Fire that makes all alive; Let Thy divine Love penetrate me. I aspire with all my being for […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

The obstacles shall be overcome

O Mother divine, the obstacles shall be overcome, the enemies appeased; Thou shalt dominate the whole earth with Thy sovereign love, and every consciousness shall be illumined with […]

Awaken and Act

NOW, Lord, things have changed. The time of rest and preparation is over. Thou hast willed that from the passive and contemplative servitor I was, I […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Why seek to know – Just consecrate

I see more and more that all impatient revolt, all haste would be useless; everything is slowly organised so that I may serve Thee as I […]

The Lord’s Calm Assurance

WHAT has to be will be, what has to be done will be done. . . . What a calm assurance Thou hast put into my being, O […]

In simplicity lies the power

As soon as all effort disappears from a manifestation, it becomes very simple, with the simplicity of a flower opening, manifesting its beauty and spreading its fragrance without clamour […]