I may say that by the very fact that you live upon earth at this moment… you absorb with the air that you breathe this new supramental substance which is spreading in earth’s atmosphere and it is preparing in you things you will manifest all of a sudden, as soon as you have taken the decisive step.
Whether that will help you or not to take this decisive step is another question which has to be studied, because the experiences that are happening and will now happen more and more being of a quite new character, one cannot know beforehand what will come to pass; one must study and after a close study one would be able to say with certainty whether this supramental substance will make the work of the new birth easy or not. I shall tell you about it a little later on. For the moment it is better not to count on these things, but simply to take to the way for the birth into the spiritual life.
Ref : Words of The Mother Vol. III