
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Way towards liberation

To recognise one’s weaknesses and false movements and draw back from them is the way towards liberation. Not to judge anyone but oneself until one can […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Self Deception

Sweet Mother, Self-deception has a thousand faces and a thousand ways of disguising itself in us. How can one discover it and get rid of it? […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Facing yourself

Every time you are afraid to face yourself and hide carefully from yourself what prevents you from advancing, well, it is as though you were building […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Believing in The Mother’s force

Q: I feel the descent of the Mother’s peace and power and the action of her Force down to the physical. Why then does this trouble […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Self Deception

Sweet Mother, Self-deception has a thousand faces and a thousand ways of disguising itself in us. How can one discover it and get rid of it? […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The obstacle to overcoming difficulties

Q: I want to overcome a difficulty: it is that when I perceive faults or weaknesses in myself, something tries to justify them or to prevent […]
Sri Aurobindo

An excellent rule

To recognise one’s weaknesses and false movements and draw back from them is the way towards liberation. Not to judge anyone but oneself until one can […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Secret Power

Do not allow any discouragement to come upon you and have no distrust of the Divine Grace. Whatever difficulties are outside you, whatever weaknesses are inside […]

Fighting the dark periods

Q: During these dark periods what do you suggest that I do? There are always two alternatives, either to remain calm and detached and aspire or […]