

Worry and Restlessness in work

It is always the restlessness that makes you lose touch. If you are not sure about the work, remain quiet and you will get in time […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Overcoming Desires and Attachments – Most Effective Way

Sweet Mother, What is the most effective way of overcoming desires and attachments: to cut them off all at one stroke, even at the risk of […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Depression: An obstacle to Sadhana and the way to make it disappear

Q: I am again feeling that depression, but I cannot find out its cause. I feel a burning pain inside me and then some part in […]

Yoga, Sadhana and Dhyana

Yoga is union with the Divine, sadhana is what you do in order to unite with the Divine. You have to get away from the ordinary […]
Sri Aurobindo

Why Altering Moods ?

The reason why you have these alternating moods is because there are two different elements in you. On one side, there is trying to develop in […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother


Q: Rejection and detachment when there is a rush of difficulties are good. But I feel they are hardly enough. Something more seems to be needed; […]

Restlessness of the mind

Q: There is a constant turmoil in the mind, which can’t rest without some activity. Usual restlessness of the physical mind. It does not like to […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram with Dyuman

The Force and restlessness

Q: Why does not the Force come down to help me in the work? I am getting restless. So long as you are in this restless […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The true initiation

It is the opening of the consciousness to the Mother from within that is the true initiation and that can only come by aspiration and rejection […]