
Darshan Card 15 Aug 2019 Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Method of Divine Manifestation

The method of the Divine Manifestation is through calm and harmony, not through a catastrophic upheaval. The latter is the sign of a struggle, generally of […]

Feeling the Divine Presence

..you should be able to feel my presence every day. I am with you so concretely, I see you so clearly, we speak together, together we […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


Mistakes come from people bringing their ego, their personal feeling (likes and dislikes), their sense of prestige or their convenience, pride, sense of possession, etc. into […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The cause of illnesses and accidents

Q: Sweet Mother, Are illnesses and accidents the result of something bad one has thought or done, of a fall in one’s consciousness? If the cause […]
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Thy Presence is our Assurance

How present Thou art in our midst, beloved Mother! It is as if Thou wouldst assure us of Thy complete assistance, as if Thou wouldst show […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Attitude to be taken towards religions

The attitude to be taken towards religions A benevolent goodwill towards all worshippers. An enlightened indifference towards all religions. All religions are partial approximations of the […]
Sri Aurobindo

Tackling the recalcitrant parts of our nature

Q: How to persuade the recalcitrant parts of our nature to surrender? A: Try to make them understand, as one does with a child who does […]
Divine Feet of The Mother

Achieving peace and harmony

Shake off all narrowness, selfishness, limitations, and wake up to the consciousness of Human Unity. This is the only way to achieve peace and harmony. Ref: […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The perpetually changing world

The world is perpetually changing, perpetually; not for a second is it like itself, and the general harmony expresses itself more and more perfectly; therefore nothing […]