TO be merged both in Thee and in Thy work… to be no longer a limited individuality… to become the infinitude of Thy forces manifesting through one point… to be freed from all shackles and all limitations … to rise above all restrictive thought… to act while remaining outside the action… to act with and for individuals while seeing only Oneness, the Oneness of Thy Love, Thy Knowledge, Thy Being… O my divine Master, eternal Teacher, Sole Reality, dispel all darkness in this aggregate Thou hast formed for Thy service, Thy manifestation in the world. Realise in it that supreme consciousness which will awaken the same consciousness everywhere.
Oh, no longer to see appearances which incessantly change; always to contemplate in everything and everywhere only Thy immutable Oneness!
O Lord, all my being cries to Thee in an irresistible call; wilt Thou not grant that I may become Thyself in my integral consciousness, since in truth I am Thou and Thou art I?
Ref: Prayers and Meditations