सद्धर्मगर्भेति महाव्रतेति स्तुवन्ति सैम्याञ्च भयङ्कराञ्च ।
देव्याः प्रियां भूमिमनादिशक्त्यास्तीर्थस्वरूपेण च पूजयन्ति ॥ ९६॥
saddharmagarbheti mahAvrateti stuvanti saimyA~ncha bhaya~NkarA~ncha |
devyAH priyAM bhUmimanAdishaktyA- stIrthasvarUpeNa cha pUjayanti || 96||
96. Praising the gracious and awe-inspiring Mother as the source of the true Law, the fulfiller of mighty vows, they revere as a place of pilgrimage this land dear to the Goddess beginningless in her power.