भीमैः करालैर्धरणी वचोभिश्चाल सिन्धुश्च नभो जगर्ज ।
भीमैः सरोषैश्च विलोकनैस्तैर्ब्रह्माण्डमुत्तप्तमिवाग्निवृष्ट्या ॥ ३९॥
bhImaiH karAlairdharaNI vachobhi- shchAla sindhushcha nabho jagarja |
bhImaiH saroShaishcha vilokanaistai- rbrahmANDamuttaptamivAgnivR^iShTyA || 39||
39. Earth and sea shook with the awful violence of her words and the heavens thundered back. The terror of her angry looks afflicted the creation like a deluge of fire.