
Calm and Peace

Avoid as much as possible to be restless or impatient because it is in calm and peace that the forces of the Divine Grace work at […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram


Something I give you with my own hands—there I put in something; but if it is of your own choice that you have taken a ring or a […]
The Mother Mirra Alfassa of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

The Joy of effort – independent of the result

As with everything in yoga, the effort for progress must be made for the love of the effort for progress. The joy of effort, the aspiration […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Being Vigilant

There is a difference between preventing yourself from falling and advancing more quickly. And both are absolutely necessary. He who is not vigilant is already dead. He has lost […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Face your weakness

Every time you are afraid to face yourself and hide carefully from yourself what prevents you from advancing, well, it is as though you were building […]