
Darshan Day Message: 24 April 2024

4 April 1920 - The Mother's Final arrival day in Pondicherry The Mother first visits Pondicherry in 1914. She returns for permanent stay in 1920.
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Abandoning all Mental Conceptions

When you come to the Divine, you must abandon all mental conceptions; but, instead of doing that, you throw your conceptions upon the Divine and want […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

How does true repose comes?

The minute one stops going forward, one falls back. The moment one is satisfied and no longer aspires, one begins to die. Life is movement, it […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Outer Equality and Equality of the Soul

What is the difference between outer equality and the equality of the soul? The equality of the soul is a psychological thing. It is the power […]
Sri Aurobindo

Interest in outward things – Is it Wrong?

To be interested in outward things is not wrong in itself—it depends on the way in which one is interested. If it is done as part […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Shadows and Light

How can one use shadow to realise the Light? Painters use shadow to bring out the light. Shadow is the symbol of the inconscient. This is […]
Sri Aurobindo in his room

How to handle thoughts about past and future?

Take with you the peace and quietude and joy and keep it by remembering always the Divine. If the thoughts about the past and the future […]
The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram with Dyuman

Reason for all Trouble

There is one thing everybody should remember that everything should be done from the point of view of Yoga, of Sadhana, of growing into a divine […]
The Mother


Sweet Mother, When one is very sensitive, one easily suffers. Since this sensitivity is the sign of a strong ego, how can one eliminate the ego? […]
Sri Aurobindo

Human Affection

Human affection is obviously unreliable because it is so much based upon selfishness and desire; it is a flame of the ego sometimes turbid and misty, […]